Thursday, October 24, 2013

A Walk...well ride, in the Clouds...

Last weekend I was pretty ill so I stayed in a lot. Luckily, a lot of people left for Port-au-Prince so the compound was pretty silent; not a lot going on to pull my attention from my pillow. However, Felipe "the contractor" was around and he has a bike AND a truck so I  got spoiled and taken on dusty rides on the back roads of St Marc (great remedy for mucus in the lungs) and then here:

It's behind St Marc, in the mountains. He has been wanting to go to a place called Terre Blanche. He was told you could only get up there by bike (moto, not bicycle) but we took his truck. It was so high up he couldn't get up because of the dew. We decided to go back in the dry season or try again with his other truck that has 4 wheel drive. I only doubted his driving skills once, when we had to turn around on a road as wide as the truck with no turnouts to turn around in. All the way up, women were carrying large metal tubs of goods from St Marc below and men were sitting next to their motos. I decided that women do all the work around here. I'm not quite sure yet what the men are good for...

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