Thursday, October 3, 2013

Me & Rose Darline...

I spent naptime today with Miss. Rose Darline. How can you choose just one? Everyday I say, this one, no this one, or this one, until, by the end of the day I've named each one my favorite. Even Olwitch who never, ever stops fidgiting or bopping or talking or mumbling; never. Yesterday Olwitch was one of the few in the class to say, "one red circle" when we were using my flash cards to talk about one and two and weave together the words we knew already with a new one. He got it.

Anyway, it was hot again and everyone was dragging. We all have our upcoming vacation at the end of October (a whole week! drool Americans!) and these days and weeks are taking just a little longer to get through.

But, today, I relaxed with Rose. She cracks me up. I understood absolutely none of her Creole. Well, I take that back, since I started Creole lessons this week with Lulu who works in the cafeteria, I could pick up on about five and try to piece together what she was saying. But, her expressions are priceless and like Keen from my first year at ISC, I think we're going to start sharing a few very shortly.

The booming thunder just burst into torrential rain. Which is good because the water they've been shipping in is incredibly hard. The kind of hard water where you never feel clean. Which really sucks here because after being sweaty and sticky and having kids cough and sneeze and clamor all over you, you really just want to get clean in the shower. Also a haircut is approaching...which will be interesting. I think I would freak the kids out if I shaved my head.

Enjoy these videos, I'm going to get in bed with a book and the rain (yes, it's 8:30). Bonne nuit!


  1. I just watched these videos again. In the first video Rose is singing a song others are singing on the other side of the room which in English is: I'm 3, 3 like this (with their fingers) so for me I clap 3 times, 1, 2, 3. Then we sing (in French): This is the name of my school Jean-Baptiste Pointe du Sable....then she breaks it down with her own song and she tries to get me to repeat after her but I keep pulling for Row Your Boat and she has none of it, love her expression. In the second video I keep coloring in the wrong places so I can see her reaction, she's a great teacher

  2. I also think she tells me my legs are hairy. I'll have to ask about that one. Also in the second one she finally breaks into Row Your Boat on her own and then rows her boat with her arms like I taught them in circle; I think she has no idea I'm filming her until I show her at the very end and she says, "Ah, look at Rose Darline!"

  3. In the third video she is graciously showing Karlens how to paint and gets a serious high-five for being so positive about his efforts. The girl next to her is Samara who has been standing next to us crying for about five minutes; she is very dramatic. Rose soon has enough of this disruption and starts taunting her saying, "Samara the baby, look at Samara the baby!" Which I kind of let happen, because she is rather dramatic, and...they can work it out. Lorvens however quickly jumps on the scene and defends Samara telling Rose Darline to stop and be nice. He can be rather chilvarous when he wants to Mr. Lorvens. It's just that he doesn't want to as often as I want him to...ah, 3-year-olds.

  4. Also (one last comment, the wifi isn't strong enough to keep it just in one), this is "nap time" on French days. Because nap time is considered 'arts and crafts' time. Now, I get that for the kids who don't nap, but not for the entire class. You hear the noise and some kids actually are sleeping. Sometimes, even if they are, they get woken up to do the craft at their table. Preposterous. On English days, EVERYONE naps, for my sanity and theirs and I reason that they're only 3, some of them are still 2, they NEED a nap...and I need quiet! And we do arts and crafts all day, it's my only strong point so they get their fill.

  5. Our 3 yr. old grandson naps from 1PM to almost 4 every day! He also now rides an 2 wheel bike without training wheels....incredible! Three yr. old abilities are all over the board!

  6. Finally saw the videos of Rose Darline. I can see why she cracks you up! She is Miss Personality Plus!
